DEX 2.0

For Traders

The Smoothest LP experience yet

Concentrated & Constant
Product liquidity combined


Limit Orders, As They Should Be

Unlike other EVM-based DEXs, Proven Exchange's limit orders don't rely on off-chain keepers. Instead, they rest atomically on the AMM curve itself to guarantee they will be filled once the price of the AMM curve dips below the limit price. Additionally, users receive LP fees earned by their limit order's liquidity.

Most Efficient EVM DEX in Existence

Proven Exchange runs the entire DEX inside a single smart contract. Individual AMM pools are lightweight data structures, instead of separate smart contracts, providing substantial gas savings compared to other leading DEXs.

Innovative Collateral Management

Just deposit a static balance of tokens at the DEX contract, referred to as the Exchange Balance, to be used as a form of lightweight working capital with lower overhead and transaction costs than dealing with ERC20 token transfers for every swap, mint, and burn operation.


Effortless, Compounded LP Returns

Fees accumulated by concentrated LP positions auto re-invest back into the pool as ambient liquidity. Users earn compounded even without manually harvesting positions.

For Institutions
CEX - DEX partnerships
Implement Liquidity Optimizers
Implement Liquidity Optimizers

Single contract DEX architecture offers the best environment for developing and operating automated liquidity managers in the most effective manner.

Construct and operate Crypto Indices

Construct and operate Crypto Indices

Unlike other "synthetic" offers in the Defi universe, Proven Exchange's single contract architecture allows you to construct a Crypto Currency Basket and then operate a dedicated pool.
Stay compliant onchain via Permissioned Pools

Stay compliant onchain via Permissioned Pools

"Permissioned pool" primitive allows you to govern and restrict a pool. You can offer KYC'ed pools via Proven Exchange.
Receive payment for order flow

Receive payment for order flow

Become a relayer operator and start receiving PFOF over the toxic flow you clear out.

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